Wednesday, February 10, 2010

As I'm walking towards Nanjing A newspaper fluttered by in the wind. And guess what, I need a newspaper article for my project.

Family Feud Turns Bloody

Today in Nanjing a new emperor takes the throne. The former emperor, Huidi, is dead, and Zhu Di, the prince of Yan and Huidi's uncle, is the new emperor. After three years of fighting for the throne that took place between Hui and his uncle, Zhu di is finally victorious. The battle was long and bloody. Zhu Di's forces were outnumbered, but through superior training and strategy, Zhu Di's smaller force defeated Hui's men.

Zhu Di has wanted Huidi's place ever since Hui's grandfather died. Zhu and several other uncles were plotting against Hui for several years until now, May 17, 1403.

In the upper right is a picture of Zhu Di.

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