Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today I was walking along on my way to Nanjing when I passed a man painting pictures of the landscape I asked the man his name he told me his name was Shen Zhou. Then I remembered he was one four great artists of the Ming dynasty. so the obvious thing to do was to interview them for my project.

This is the greatest of the ming dynasty artists Shen Zhou
Hello Shenzou tell me about yourself and your childhood?
Well I grew up in a comfortable estate with my family. I enjoyed it very much. I love nature, and painting landscapes.
How did you get into painting?
My father had a huge collection of paintings calligraphy and other fine art, and his friends were scholars and artists who loved art as well. This upbringing was probably what brought me to become an artist.
What are some of your paintings?
My most famous painting would probably be "poet on the mountain top"
What are the major aspects you like to include in your paintings?
I like to include nature into all of my paintings.
How do you feel about art during the current dynasty?
I believe that art is flourishing and that there are more great artists to come.
Thank you for your time Mr. Zhou.

This is Shen Zhou's painting "Poet on a mountain top"

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