Thursday, February 11, 2010

The great Wall

Yay! I reached the capitol. And I come to a huge wall(quick fact:The wall of Nanjing was the biggest city wall in history). Lucky I got here early because Zhu Di Plans to move the capitol to Beijing. Speaking of walls lets talk about the Great wall, the biggest public works project IN HISTORY.
It started way back in the Qin dynasty with emperor Qin Shi Huang trying to unite China. It started off as an earthen fortification. Centuries later in the Ming Dynasty a brutal defeat at Mongol hands led to a huge upgrade. The walls length was increased to 6000 kilometers. its height increased to 26 feet and its with to 30ft in some places. Thousands of people died during construction, their bodies were buried inside the wall. The outside of the wall was brick and stone held together by mortar the center was earth and rubble. The great wall had garrisons varying of various sizes holding men every few miles. on the walls slits were cut out for archers and guns.These defenses defended the Ming until the Manchu of North eastern China took over. The great wall was so strong it still stands today. To the right is a picture of the wall.

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